Saturday, April 2, 2016

Blog #7: Sell-Side Analysts Discourse Community

Understanding my interests and professional goals in the financial industry narrowed my decision on what discourse community to research. When looking at the fundamentals of investing, there is a foundation that decisions are rooted to; analysis of information. The professional career title for this is called sell-side analyst.

As a finance major I’m passionate about investing and the aspects that encompass being a successful analyst. The analyst will typically build models to project the firms’ financial results, as well as speak with customers, suppliers, competitors, and other sources with knowledge of the industry – Simpson CFA. This may be unappealing to some people, but I’ve always enjoyed networking and not having to sit at the same office cubical day in and out. Also, the fact this job requires one to constantly keep up with current and future trends makes no two days the same.

To truly determine sell-side analysts as a discourse community, I broke it down by John Swale’s Six characteristics:

   1. [It has] a broadly agreed set of common public goals.
      -In practice the job of an analyst is to convince institutional account to direct their trading through     
        the trading desk of the analyst’s firm. The analyst must be seen by the buy-side as providing      
        valuable services. Crucial factor of an analyst is to be the first to the client with new and  
        different information.

   2. [It has] mechanisms of intercommunication among its members (such as newsletters or journals).
      -Internal: Direct contact with management, meetings, conference calls,
      -External: Reports, News Appearances, Corporate Access Events

   3. [It] utilizes and hence possesses one or more genres in the communicative furtherance of its aims.
      - news appearances, websites, magazine articles, journal articles, blogs, etc

   4. [It] uses its participatory mechanisms primarily to provide information and feedback.
      - News letters or FAQ webpage

   5. In addition to owning genres, [it] has acquired some specific lexis.
      -consensus estimates, investment rating and reporting vs. revised, “whisper number”

   6. [It has] a threshold level of members with a suitable degree of relevant content and expertise.
      - associate, senior associate, assistant vice president, senior analyst, managing director.

After analyzing the six characteristics, I can see a slight degree to which sell-side analysts are a discourse community. To further see the extent and support my niche stance I will be interviewing people who work in this field on Wall Street both by telephone and via email.

After reading Mirabelli description of multiple literacies, not just reading… but things such as reading people, I have developed questions to uncover how this is present in the role of a sell-side analyst. For example, quantitative, qualitative, and trends are known aspects applied by analyst, but how are they essential and accomplished? How do you read the market? What motivates investors / buy-side? From a situational standpoint, how do you react to pre-market vs open-market vs closed-market? Also how much does current events in the news affect your day-to-day operations? These are potential questions to understand the significance of multiple literacies in this discourse community.

Continuing the structure of my research, Wardle’s breakdown of identity, authority, and learning to write in the new workplace opened my mind to find out what its really like to enter this discourse community. Although I have relatives and friends in this field, applying detailed questions about their career will help me mentally prepare for this profession. For example, what licenses to acquire; Series 7, Series 86/87, Series 63? How do you keep a work life balance? What are the best ways to advance career path? How did you or still do build your identity through engagement, imagination, and alignment?

“Authority, then, is an intangible quality granted to a persons through institutions, which renders their pronouncements as accepted by those in that institution’s communities of practice, but which must be maintained through individuals’ speech and actions” –Wardle’s (526). This essential aspect is priceless in the analyst world. The reports, projections, actions, and speeches can make or break the reputation of an analyst. Therefore, I’m very interested in understanding how an analyst protects and builds their authority within this discourse community.

Looking forward, I am still not sure on the niche of my paper. I know there is much controversy on the value or how people overlook the sell-side of equity research, so one stance I developed is: The public often overlooks the value of the sell-side analysts, yet their role has many behind-the-scenes aspects that are directly related to success of the buy-side investment managers.

By the end of next class I hope to have my niche established and then be able to start my primary research.